The 38th Ordinary General Assembly initially scheduled to be held in Ouagadougou, Republic of Burkina Faso, was held at the Council of Bureaux Headquarters in Lomé, Republic of Togo at the El Doria Hotel on 08th November 2022
The meeting was attended by delegates from all Member States of the System except Sierra Leone.
The National Insurance Directorates
1. Benin
2. Cote d’Ivoire
3. Gambia
4. Ghana
5. Guinea Conakry
6. Mali
7. Senegal
8. Togo
The National Bureaus represented by their Presidents and Executive Secretaries
Burkina Faso
Ivory Coast
Guinea Bissau
Guinea Conakry
ECOWAS Commission : Director of Free Movement
Delegates of the insurance companies of the System
The meeting adopted the following agenda :
Monday 07 November 2022 Executive Committee Meeting
09H00 - 14H00 : Executive Committee Meeting
10H00 - 16H00 : Registration of participants
19H00 - 20H30 : Welcome cocktail, El Doria, Togo
Tuesday 08 November 2022
08H30 - 09H00 : Registration and installation of members
Welcome by the Permanent Secretary General
Address by the President of the Council of Bureaux
Address by the Director of Insurance of Togo/President of the Togolese National Bureau
Togolese National Bureau
Opening speech by the Permanent Representative of the ECOWAS Commission to the Republic of Togo
Family photo
09H00 - 09H30 : Coffee break
10H00 - 14H00 :
1. Examination of the quorum
2. Election of Rapporteurs
3. Presentation and adoption of the activity report for the year 2022
4. Presentation and adoption of the Auditors’ Report
for the year ending 31/12/2021
5. Review and adoption of the Strategic Plan 2022 - 2026
6. Presentation and adoption of the budget of the Council of Bureaux for
the financial year 2023
7. Examination and adoption of the Harmonised Statutes of the National Bureaux
8. Election of new members of the Executive Committee
9. Confirmation of the list of members of the Arbitration Commission
10. Appointment of the Vice - President and the President of the Council of Bureaux
11. Date and place of the next General Assembly
14.00 - 15.00 : Lunch break
15H00 - 16H00 :
12. Adoption of resolutions
13. Acknowledgements
14. Transfer of power
15. Closing remarks by the Director of Insurance of Togo